Thbop -> Home

HomeTutorial Hub
I decided to act like I don't know any CSS (or HTML for that matter) and make my website like more classy developers.

Software and video game developer. You can check out my github here.


I do have some old projects available on PMC.

I have more recently worked on a public server called Thbopica. You can join (or start it up) at

Video Games

I publish my video games on, here's my page.

Most of my projects were coded in python and packaged with pyinstaller; thus, your computer will probably think they are viruses, but you could just run the source code if that makes you feel better.

Current titles:

I have more games, these are just the ones that have taken the most time to create.

Computer Science

Check out my (in progress) 6502 emulator here. During the course of this project, I accidentally learned some 6502 assembly while exploring low level architecture.


I've pretty much done a lot of very dumb things in the realm of graphics, slowly improving over time.

I've tried Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing in One Weekend book and made this in Python:

And yes, I had to look up how to remove that nasty image interpolation

From this project I have gained the knowledge that it is not smart to write a raytracer in Python.

In fact though, it is fairly fun and difficult to create a 3D renderer purely in C++:

The hardest bit was definitely the triangle rasterization, because I did not know what I was doing...

Also, along the lines of that renderer, obsessing over Lambertian Diffuse is not uncommon.

It seems like my graphics section is fairly large. I hope that does not make a statement. I might need to dedicate a page purely to graphics in the future...

Website last updated Fri Mar 29 22:29:14 2024 by Thbop.